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Tours of The BIblical Lands

To better equip leaders in Spanish speaking countries, Eagle's Wings Missions will provide guided study trips in Spanish to deepen the understanding of Biblical context. Watch this brief video to hear about the heart and vision of this project.

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The Sendas Antiguas project consists of these three objectives:


Tours of the Biblical Lands in Spanish

Promote and guide study trips to the lands of the Bible in Spanish, creating the awareness of the richness of the Scripture's original context and to get to know the calling of God for His people


Video Devotionals

Film short 3-5 minute video devotionals in Spanish to expose Spanish speakers to the richness of the cultural, geographical, linguistic, literary, visual, historic contextual background of the people of the Bible for a better understanding of the Word of God



Video Teaching Series

Film videos of teachings from study trips in Spanish for those who will not be able to make the trip to the lands of the Bible, exposing them to the richness of the cultural, geographical, linguistic, literary, visual, historic contextual background of the people of the Bible for a better understanding of the Word of God

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